Race Based Diversity and Inclusion E- Book
Those of you who have been paying attention to another organisation I run, The Black Business Psychology Network you may have seen a lot of the infographics that I post weekly.
These infographics give knowledge and insights into topics, concepts and theories around racial justice and topics regarding racism and the development of discrimination. The topics of this e-book include Racial Trauma, Allyship, Microaggressions, Hair Discrimination and even more. Over 20 pages include detailed infographics, information and reflection questions you can use to think about concepts and ideas. If you want to expand your knowledge and find out more about how you can do the work yourself to understand race and racism, especially in a UK context, please buy this e-book.
This book is perfect if you would like to expand your knowledge of topics around race and racism and think about how you can understand these things more.
As the whole resource is paid for I would like you to keep the downloads to yourself and not share it. Feel free to reference the pages if you do want to use snippets and images for projects but do not give away the contents of the book if you haven't purchased it.
PDF File - 29 pages